Legal notices

The domain name belongs to Hénéo SAS.

Owner and publisher of the Villa Louis Pasteur web site

Hénéo SAS
99 rue du Chevaleret
75013 Paris

+33 (0)1 44 07 99 99 /

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The intellectual property rights associated with the site belong to Hénéo SAS.
Any use, reproduction, commercial use, modification of all or part of the site without authorization from Hénéo SAS is prohibited and may result in legal action and proceedings under the Intellectual Property Code and/or the Civil Code.

Publication manager for the Villa Louis Pasteur web site is Mr. Noureddine Aloui, the residence’s director.
Users of the site acknowledge that they have the skills and resources necessary for accessing and using the site and that they have checked that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and that it is in good working order.
The user acknowledges that he/she has been informed that this site may be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week except in cases of force majeure, IT difficulties, difficulties associated with the structure of communications networks or technical difficulties.
Hénéo may take the site down for maintenance purposes but will endeavour to give users prior warning.


Editorial Design

M. Nour Aloui

Site design (graphical charter and development)

Agence PouipouiDesign / /

Photo Credits

M. Fabrice MALZIEU – – +33 (0)6 60 03 29 15
42 rue du Cherche Midi 75006 Paris